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Latin Dance Team: Youth Auditions

We are thrilled to announce auditions for a new competitive dance team at Adam in Chatham!

This group is geared towards pre-professional dancers considering a career in dance. Lessons will focus on the partnering and ballroom skills that are desirable by casting directors. Once the team has been selected, we will meet Saturday mornings from 9:45 – 10:25.

Team and audition details

Auditions start at 1 PM on Saturday, May 15th. We have slots for a maximum of 8 dancers (and 2 swings), and will have the necessary number of slots needed to accommodate auditionees. This is open to dancers age 15 to 21 –  allowances will be made either side to those who demonstrate the necessary skills and attributes.


  • Be prepared to learn a short Latin dance combination in groups of 8

  • Prepare a solo or duet no longer than 3 minutes; send music in advance to

  • Bring with you a headshot/photograph and a short bio of where you dance/danced and why you would like to learn ballroom and Latin and belong to this formation group

For more information and to register for the auditions, contact or text 508-514-0809.

Many thanks and good luck!

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