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Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Compete for your teacher’s team as we go head-to-head in our first ever TEAM MATCH!

Adam in Chatham’s Team Match is not only a way to share your team spirit, but an opportunity to support an amazing cause. The AIC team is hosting this event to help support our Chance 2 Dance program which helps provide free dance instruction, competition and performance opportunities, and costuming for kids on Cape — helping to make dance accessible for everyone, no matter what a family’s financial limitations may be.

What is a team match?

Essentially, a team match is an in-house competition designed for dancers of all levels. You don’t need to prepare anything extra for it, you can just dance what you’re doing in your lessons.

Our October 1st event is a fundraiser for Chance 2 Dance and a fun, friendly competition among the teachers' teams. Plus, you'll get to enjoy some amazing featured professional performances as well as student performances from our Chance 2 Dance students.

When and where?

Saturday, October 1st at the Chatham Community Center

How does scoring work?

Students' scores are tabulated into an overall team score, and each entry you dance also earns your team one point (20 entries = 20 points)

How much does it cost?

OPTION A: 12 entries
OPTION B: 20 entries
OPTION C: 30 entries

*Reflects a discounted rate for anyone dancing at the Commonwealth Classic in November

How do I sign up?

To get involved in this exciting event, simply start by talking with your teacher. Go, team!

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December 17th

This is your opportunity to get your feet wet dancing in front of someone OR have a Dancing with the Stars boot camp experience to complete a minute dance in 4 weeks time.

You can pick any teacher, emphasis is on material and a dance you already know. Add a choreographed beginning and end, and a dip, trick or embellishment in the middle. Song choice must be holiday-themed.

Dances will be performed at the studio on the 17th during our holiday party / pot luck. Performance slots are limited to 10; reserve your spot ASAP by emailing Adam, Angel or Francis.

Cost to be a performer is $100; tickets to attend are $25.

Performance rules

  1. Routines can not exceed one minute

  2. Performance must be to a holiday song

  3. You can dance as a couple or a self-organized group

  4. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are chosen by our audience

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We are now scheduling competitions for 2022. Here are the dates of the following competitions so you can pencil them into your calendars.

Boston DanceSport Cup - 15th January (one day) $

Need to know the first week of December if you plan to attend New York Dance Festival - 21st to 24th February $$

Need to know the first week of December if you plan to attend Patriot Dance Festival - 23rd April (one day) $

Need to know first week of March if you plan to attend USDC - 5th to 10th September (national) $$$ CWC - 11th to 13th November (home competition) $$ Ohio - 15th November to 20th (national) $$$

Please stay tuned for more information about the competition events as we speak to the organizers.

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